ParaCan Legal Services

Have A Dispute With A Contractor Or A Home Owner? Call Us Now!

The Paralegal Experts at ParaCan Legal Services Have Successfully Advocated for Home Owners & Contractors Over These Types Of Disputes. Call Us Now For A Consultation!

Open 7 Days A Week!​

Renovations Gone Wrong!

Disputes with Contractors

Renovations are stressful. You're excited to have your home or office modernized, only to find shoddy workmanship, or that your contractor wasn't licensed. Now you've spent your hard earned money for an incomplete job. This happens all too often. Luckily, you don't need to be a victim. We have handled numerous disputes with contractors and successfully retrieved compensation for our clients. Call us today!

Disputes with Homeowners

Did you provide an honest service for a homeowner who is refusing to pay you? We have successfully received judgement against homeowners for landscapers, plumbers, contractors, electricians, and more! Contact us immediately for a no obligation consultation.

Don't let the courts system intimidate you. The Paralegals at ParaCan Legal Services are well versed in small claims proceedings. We represent Plaintiffs, as well as Defendants.

Visit us

Our office is conveniently located in North York, Toronto. Please call for an appointment.

ParaCan Legal Sevices
6- 151 Toryork Drive
Toronto ON
M9L 1X9

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Give us a call today for a free, no obligation consultation!

For Inquiries: (647) 501-5771

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