ParaCan Legal Services

Got a Careless Driving Ticket? Give us a Call!

A Careless Driving Ticket Can Lead To A Licence Suspension If Convicted & Increased Insurance Rates.

We Will Fight Your Careless Driving Tickets To Keep Your Record Clean. Call Us At (647) 501-5771.

Open 7 Days A Week!

Motor Vehicle Collisions Can Result In A Careless Driving Ticket
Carless driving is a very serious charge, which can impact your insurance rates over a long period of time. It is found in section 130 of the HTA.
What You Need To Know About Careless Driving Tickets In Ontario.

Careless Driving Tickets are very serious. They carry the following penalties depending on your licence.

G1 & G2 Class Drivers: 

·        demerit points,

·         Mandatory 30 day licence suspension,

·        $490 fine, insurance increases and,

·         Possible jail time for more serious offences

G Class Drivers:
      ·        Mandatory 30 day licence suspension,
          ·         6 demerit points,
      ·        $490 fine, insurance increases and,
      ·         Possible jail time for more serious offences

Commercial Drivers:       
      ·       5 CVOR points, possible licence suspension,     
6 Demerit Points,     
$490 fine, insurance increases,       
      ·        Possible jail time for more serious offences,      
      ·        Possible loss of employment

In conclusion, trial can be intimidating and frightening, especially if you are not an expert at forming legal arguments or an expert in legal procedures. At ParaCan Legal Services, we are experienced with careless driving tickets in Ontario and will use our vast knowledge and experience to make sure your case is advocated properly and handled fairly.

Visit us

Our office is conveniently located in North York, Toronto. Please call for an appointment.

ParaCan Legal Sevices
6- 151 Toryork Drive
Toronto ON
M9L 1X9

Call us

Give us a call today for a free, no obligation consultation!

For Inquiries: (647) 501-5771 (function(a,e,c,f,g,h,b,d){var k={ak:"861039491",cl:"iX0PCJyNrHgQg9fJmgM"};a[c]=a[c]||function(){(a[c].q=a[c].q||[]).push(arguments)};a[g]||(a[g]=k.ak);b=e.createElement(h);b.async=1;b.src="//";d=e.getElementsByTagName(h)[0];d.parentNode.insertBefore(b,d);a[f]=function(b,d,e){a[c](2,b,k,d,null,new Date,e)};a[f]()})(window,document,"_googWcmImpl","_googWcmGet","_googWcmAk","script");

All other inquiries: [email protected]

Contact us

Can't call right now? No problem. Email us for a quick response and to set up a NO OBLIGATION consultation!

Let our paralegal experts at ParaCan Legal Services make sure that your Careless Driving Ticket Defence is heard in the court of law. Let us make sure that you get the representation you deserve every step of the way.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the car.

    For more information on demerit points for careless driving, visit the Ontario Website or check out to see how we can help you with your Careless Driving Tickets. Fill out our contact form, or call us today to speak with a Traffic Ticket Paralegal.


    ParaCan Legal Services
    6-151 Toryork Drive
    Toronto ON
    M9L 1X9
    (647) 501-5771
    Careless Driving Ticket | Traffic Ticket Paralegals