ParaCan Legal Services

ParaCan Legal Services Is Here To Help With Traffic, Small Claims & Landlord & Tenant Matters!

Call Us At (647) 501-5771.
Open 7 Days A Week!

Traffic Offences

We strive to protect your driving record. Don't let a mistake negatively impact your insurance rates for the long-term. Call the professionals at ParaCan for a no obligation consultation, and keep your record clean!

Landlord & Tenant Matters

The Landlord and Tenant Board can be difficult to navigate. Don't let a mistake on a Notice impact your application. Call the professionals at ParaCan Legal Services for a no obligation consultation, so that we can help your matter move forward.

Small Claims Matters

We offer expert representation in small claims court at competitive rates for Plaintiffs and Defendants. If you have a matter within the small claims jurisdiction of $35,000, contact us today!

ParaCan Legal Services & What A Paralegal Do For You

Canada Gavel
ParaCan Legal Services Will Fight To Have Your Day In A Court or Tribunal.


Background: Paralegals became licenced to practice law in Ontario in 2007. It was found that lawyers were charging Ontarians exorbitant amounts for representation, giving many of them little to no access to justice. This led to many people taking it upon themselves to self represent in their legal matters. ParaCan Legal Services is very competitive in pricing, and is affordable to everyone. Our main concern, is helping Ontarians. 

Today: Paralegals practice law in certain niche areas. At ParaCan Legal Services, we fight for our clients in Traffic Ticket MattersSmall Claims Matters, and Landlord and Tenant Matters. Our rates are very competitive, and we strive to achieve nothing but desirable outcomes for our client
For more information on the background of why Paralegals are licencees today, check out this article from the Globe and Mail. 

*The monetary jurisdiction for small claims matters is now $35,000.00.


ParaCan Legal Services is well versed in legal matters. Don't let the legal system intimidate you. Our paralegals will fight for you. Call us now!

Visit us

Our office is conveniently located in North York, Toronto. Please call for an appointment.

ParaCan Legal Sevices
6- 151 Toryork Drive
Toronto ON
M9L 1X9

Call us

Give us a call today for a free, no obligation consultation!

For All Inquiries: (647) 501-5771

Contact us

Can't call right now? No problem. Email us for a quick response and to set up a NO OBLIGATION consultation!

    Please prove you are human by selecting the car.

    For more information on how a paralegal can help you, and what we can do for you, visit the Law Society of Ontario or check out our pages on Fill out our contact form, or call us today to speak with a Small Claims, Traffic Ticket, or Landlord & Tenant Paralegal.


    ParaCan Legal Services
    6-151 Toryork Drive
    Toronto ON
    M9L 1X9
    (647) 501-5771
    Toronto Paralegals